About Margarita Muñiz Academy

Muñiz Academy is an exciting Innovation School as part of the portfolio of Boston Public Schools.  As the district’s first dual language high school, Muñiz Academy offers Boston’s bilingual and  students who are English Language Learners a holistic education modeled on the successes of the Rafael Hernández School and other high performing district, pilot, and charter schools.

Margarita Muñiz Academy implements a college preparatory, culturally relevant two-way bilingual curriculum that provides students with the 21stcentury skills necessary for success in higher education and beyond. The Muñiz Academy has three critical platforms for dual language learning that share the core value of social justice through authentic connections to the community: expeditionary learning, the arts, and technology.

Margarita Muñiz Academy  opened in September, 2012, with a ninth grade and rolled out subsequent grades with a maximum enrollment of 320 students.  Muñiz Academy is positioned to have a significant impact on the educational outcomes of Boston’s most at-risk students, aligning with Boston Public School’s plan to dramatically change educational outcomes as part of the Circle of Promise initiative.

In the Fall of 2024 MargaritaMuñiz Academy became a 7 - 12 High School. By Fall of 2025 the school will have an enrollment of 525 students from 7th through 12th grades.

Students at The Possible Zone

Qualities of the Muñiz Scholar

1. Investigate and Think Critically:  I seek out valid sources, analyze evidence, and make decisions grounded in sound reasoning.

2. Build Cultural Competence:  I explore my own worldview and interact appropriately with people across cultures.

3. Collaborate:  I work with diverse teams and contribute appropriately to the effort and final product.

4. Communicate:  I read, write, listen, and speak effectively for a variety of purposes in both Spanish and English.

5. Demonstrate Creativity: I generate original ideas and pieces of work. 

6. Initiate, Accomplish, Reflect: I persist in bringing tasks and projects to completion. 

7. Advocate for Anti Racism and Equity
: I participate responsibly and courageously in a democratic society to challenge injustices for all.

Portrait of the scholar